Friday, July 08, 2011

What if ....?

I sat in my office watching the final launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis. I could only imagine how it felt to be there in person. It's definitely a proud day to be an American. Needless to say, my mind wandered a bit. Ever have those blank moments that become 'aha' moments? I had a few mindless questions. Ironically, it still brought me to a lesson.

I wondered what if the shuttle had no fuel? I know it's a crazy question to ask. But join me in this thought process. What if we spent all this money and man-power and this machine full of potential, discovery, and symbolism just sat there? Wouldn't that be a shame? I mean to have it all set-up, each metal tablet welded to form a shield of protection for re-entering and to not be able to see it in action. I'm baffled thinking about this idea that someone, some nation, would go through all of the hard work and effort, for simply nothing; it's ridiculous, isn't it?

Well, it's the same with us. God made us in his image. We're wired and set-up for success, to launch and be a symbolism of his grace, love, provision, and salvation. He spent some precious moments, no pun intended, in putting us together. We are definitely complex human beings. So it baffles me when know that we are his and yet we sit. Just sit. Life goes on and we are the average Joe. It frustrates me to see people with lots of potential, dreams, and desires but do not pursue those dreams and desires with passion.

Fear sometimes is a x-factor - fear of failing or succeeding. Whatever the issues are, I find it hard to connect with impassioned people. This is not to say that I'm always passionate about life or pursuing my dreams 24/7. I mean to say that life is what we make it and our God has given us this drive to pursue righteousness, to pursue desires and dreams, and pursue Him - and in Him is where I find my passion. Paul reminds us that life is a race - some win, some lose, but training is required, nevertheless. I want to win in life. I want to be able to show my children that when we put God first, there's a valuable asset that no one can buy back from us. It is ours.

So where do we stand today? What if we added fuel to the shuttle? All of a sudden, in T-9 minutes, we would have lift-off. Our fuel is Jesus. Our passion and drive is found in Him. So pick up your mat and walk. Today, choose to live life to the fullest and begin forming the plan to get out of your "misery", whether that be forming new relationships, building your own business, starting a new job, or furthering your education. Whatever it is - just do it!

I have come to fully understand and comprehend that life on Earth is short-lived. So why not live it in the perspective of fulfilling our dreams and desires. I do so for my wife and my children. I chose a long time ago to make sure that I was always fueled and ready for lift-off.

[Pinky & The Brain comment insert here: So what do you want to do today, Brain? Same thing we do everyday, Conquer the World!]

Choose to add fuel to your life. It will launch you forward!

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