Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My letter to David Alexander...

Dear David Alexander,

Yesterday was August 16th. I spent the entire day thinking how you would be at 4 months. Ironically, we got a new puppy to keep Sparky company. I know you would've enjoyed playing with Roco and Sparky. I can only imagine what heaven is like, but I know you are in peace, full of love, and God's awesomeness.

Yes, I wish you were here with me so I can hold you and look into your eyes and see pure innocence, pure love. I dream of you every now and then, and wonder what would have been of your life.  But to be honest, I know you are in a much better place. I can't wait to see you.

Since I know it will be a while before we meet face to face, I write this to let you know that I love you very much and I will never let you go from the deepest place in my heart. But David, since you are in heaven and I'm on Earth, I need to be able to move forward in life. I know you and God would want that for me. So this may not be the last letter I write to you, but it's the beginning of making these past few months and weeks come to a close as I near the end of my grief and loss class.

God has been with me, holding me, giving me strength, showing me what it is to love again, dream again, hope again, and do it all with courage - again. You took a peice of my heart with you, but I will learn to live with that scar in hopes of it being restored in heaven. In the meantime, enjoy heaven, while I enjoy this side of heaven with your mother, Sparky, Roco, and any other siblings that may come our way.

Little David, you made your mark in this world without having to step in it alive. You changed the course and perceptions. You were a remarkable individual. It's impossible to forget this rollercoaster ride. Nevertheless, for my heart's sanity, I'm letting you know that I'm going to start moving on. I won't forget you nor let you go - that would be impossible. But I do promise to love your mom with all the love in the world. I promise to work so hard to make you and God proud of me. I promise to love the unloveable, give generously, and listen wholeheartedly. I promise to be the Dad I would've been to you, to someone who needs it.

So on this, your 4th month, to you my heart shouts I love you. I really really can't wait to see youn but until then: Watch your Daddy. He's on the verge of something great that God has put in his heart. And know that you, my little David, are part of this great scheme of Destiny and a special guest at the table with Jesus. You are and will always be my son.

There's no real way of ending this, but if you could feel my heart palpating and if you could wipe away my tears, you'd feel my heart. So, see you later son.

Your Dad,
Charles David

Monday, August 08, 2011

Letter to God...

Dear God,

I have decided to write this letter to you because we have somethings to discuss.

You see, my hurt hearts, though not as much as before. You have brought people in my life to make me understand  our fragile hearts. And so with you guiding me, I move foward with a 'boo-boo' on my heart. No neosporin will take the scar away. I will always know it's there. People will always know it's there. But as depicted in the picture above, you hold it. You hold everything on Earth. You hold my heart.

I don't understand why my little David had to go. But what I do know is that you turn disasters into masterpieces of art and grace. You have walked with me the past 4 weeks in showing me each week a new step, a new path, a new normal. You've shown me in my spirit and in my heart that it's ok to dream again, to live again, to hope again, and to do it all with courage - again!

So this is my letter to you to tell you that I'm ok with it all. I understand you're soveriegn and nothing I can do can change things. However, what I can do is change my perspective about it all, understanding that you - you are in control. So we start life back at one. Where I learn to love again, dream big dreams - again!

I understand more and more everyday how you must have felt giving up your only son. You and I will always have this in common. The pain you must have felt to understand and know that your son would be the sacrificial lamb. I understand vividly how children are precious in your sight - because they are precious in any light.

And so I move forward. I ask that when it gets hard to handle, you take it from me. Allow me to continue to experience your peace and strenght. May I never take the life you have given me for granted and may it ever be worthy of the blood your Son shed on that cross for me. May it be that my little David looks down from Heaven and see his earthly father be the man that You have called me to be. God - I live for you first. But I chose life, and in doing so, I choose to live for me.

Remind me what it feels like to dream again. Put in my heart and mind new vision, new dreams - those of which you have for me and in doing so, may I honor you with everything that is in me.

Finally, as hard as it may seem - Thank you for David. Thank you for allowing me to experience it ALL. All of it! Every part of it ALL has a purpose in you - and for that I still love you.

Daddy, you are still Good no matter what. That - that I know firsthand.

You were, are, and will always be LOVE.

Love you Dad.

With all my heart.

Your son.
Charles David Lopez